Tilted Brick Gallery Association (TBGA)
Mission Statement: TBGA is an artist-run center that is community-based and nurtures the development of art & culture in all forms
ArtSpace Membership Benefits
ArtSpace offers memberships designed to provide artists with a range of valuable benefits, including promotional opportunities, exclusive events, and access to professional resources. Join our community to unlock these advantages and enhance your artistic journey.
Complete and email the ArtSpace Studio/Associate User Application.​
Email application to:
Studio User Membership
$120/quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec) or $50/month
Exposure to national and international Artists including artist talks
Opportunity to take part in occasional show and sale
Access to studio at any time
Your own assigned studio space
Discount on art classes and workshops
Peer painting sessions with a professional teacher
Opportunity to participate in community projects and be part of an awesome creative community
Attendance at Studio User meetings
Share our space with visiting family and friends (Invite them as a Daily User. Form to be filled out and handed in with $10/day)
Attend scheduled critique sessions
Offered Classes
in Pastel
Involved in Community Art Projects
(Hillside St. Art Project)
Offered Member-Led Classes
in Sculpturing
Offered Member-Led
Cold Wax Class
Associate User Membership
$75/quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec)​
Exposure to national and international Artists including Artist talks
Opportunity to take part in occasional show and sale
Access to studio during designated hours (Tuesday 1-4pm; Thursday 1-4; Sunday 1-4)
Discount on art classes and workshops
Peer painting sessions with a professional teacher
Opportunity to participate in community projects and be part of an awesome creative community
Attendance at Studio User meetings
Attend scheduled critique sessions
Offered Member-Led
Painting Class
Involved in Community Projects
(Earth Day)
Involved in Community Projects
(Creston Hospital Mural)
Involved in Community Projects
(Hillside St. Art Project)
Complete and email the ArtSpace Studio/Associate User Application.​
or fillable Word document
Email application to: